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  • China's Ministry of Natural Resources has recently published its inaugural survey report on the contested Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea.
  • About Sabina Shoal:
    • Sabina Shoal, also referred to as Xianbin Reef, is a coral atoll that has formed atop a seamount in the eastern Spratly Islands of the South China Sea. Situated approximately 75 nautical miles from the Philippine province of Palawan, it falls within the Philippine 200-nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Despite this, China asserts sovereignty over the shoal and much of the South China Sea, maintaining a persistent presence in the area. The shoal is located around 630 nautical miles from China.

Sabina Shoal stretches nearly 23 km along its northwest-southeast axis and consists of two primary sections connected by a narrow isthmus. The western section, larger in size, measures 13 km in length and 6 km in width, while the eastern section is smaller, at 10 km by 3 km. Both sections feature a central lagoon encircled by a coral ring with intermittent shallow areas.


  • As the global community faces the critical challenge of shifting to renewable energy sources, solar paraboloid technology is emerging as a potentially game-changing innovation.
  • About Solar Paraboloid Technology:
  • This cutting-edge approach is a sophisticated form of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology. It improves the efficiency of solar energy collection and overcomes many of the challenges associated with conventional Photovoltaic (PV) systems.
  • How It Works: Solar paraboloid systems utilize a Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) mechanism. These systems feature elongated parabolic mirrors that direct sunlight onto a receiver tube located at the mirror’s focal line. The concentrated solar energy heats a fluid within the receiver, which can then be used to generate electricity or supply direct heat for industrial applications.
  • Benefits: Solar paraboloids are exceptionally effective at concentrating solar energy, allowing for increased electricity production from the same amount of sunlight. This heightened efficiency could reduce the cost per unit of electricity, making solar power more competitive with traditional fossil fuels. Another advantage is their capacity to operate at elevated temperatures—up to 300°C—greatly enhancing thermal efficiency by minimizing heat losses through a smaller absorbing surface. Additionally, solar paraboloid systems can generate energy even under low-light conditions, offering versatility for a variety of environments. Their scalability also allows for deployment in diverse configurations, ranging from small-scale installations to extensive solar farms.


  • The Union Ministry of Women and Child Development has recently unveiled the new SHe-Box portal.
  • About the SHe-Box Portal:
  • The SHe-Box portal is a centralized platform designed to facilitate the registration and monitoring of sexual harassment complaints in the workplace. It functions as a comprehensive repository for information related to Internal Committees (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) established across both government and private sectors nationwide.
  • The portal offers a unified platform where individuals can file complaints, track their progress, and ensure timely resolution by the ICs. It aims to provide a reliable mechanism for addressing grievances and streamlining the process for all involved parties. Additionally, the portal allows for real-time monitoring of complaints through a designated nodal officer and ensures that complaints can be registered confidentially without exposing personal details publicly.
  • The SHe-Box portal is accessible at
  • Points to Remember: In 2017, the SHe-Box portal was updated in alignment with The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013. This legislation allows women who experience harassment at work to register their complaints on the SHe-Box platform. Following a complaint, two types of committees are formed: an Internal Committee for private institutions and a Local Committee for government institutions, chaired by the District Magistrate (DM), District Collector (DC), or an appointed officer. These committees are responsible for addressing the complaints and taking appropriate actions.


  • The Chief Minister of Assam recently revealed that approximately 120,000 individuals in the state have been classified as 'D' (Dubious or Doubtful) voters, with 41,583 of them identified as foreigners.
  • About D-Voter:
  • The term 'D-Voter' is specific to Assam, where issues of migration and citizenship are particularly contentious. This designation was introduced by the Election Commission in 1997 to identify individuals unable to prove their Indian nationality.
  • Those with uncertain or disputed citizenship status were labeled as 'D-Voters' during the preparation of Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC). The terms ‘doubtful voter’ or ‘doubtful citizenship’ are not explicitly defined in the Citizenship Act of 1955 or the Citizenship Rules of 2003. The 2003 Citizenship Rules, created under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003, outline procedures for compiling the National Population Register (NPR) and the National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC). Specifically, subsection 4 of section 4 refers to including details of individuals with doubtful citizenship in the population register with an 'appropriate remark' for further investigation.
  • Once the verification process is complete, families or individuals are notified in a designated format if classified as dubious citizens (D-Category). They are given the opportunity to present their case before the Taluk or Sub-district Registrar of Citizenship, who has ninety days to finalize and justify the findings.
  • Individuals marked as doubtful voters cannot participate in elections or stand for office due to unresolved citizenship status. The designation of 'D-Voter' is meant to be a provisional measure, requiring a decision within a set timeframe. If found to be foreign nationals or illegal immigrants, these individuals may face deportation or detention.
  • D-Voters also have the option to apply for inclusion in the NRC. Their names can be added to the electoral rolls only after they receive clearance from Foreigners Tribunals and are removed from the ‘D’ category.


  • Recently, the former Chairman of UIDAI introduced the concept of ‘Finternet’ at the Global Fintech Fest (GFF) in Mumbai.
  • The ‘Finternet’ represents a network of interconnected financial ecosystems, akin to the internet but for financial services. This concept aims to lower the barriers between various financial services and systems, significantly reducing the complexities of clearing and messaging chains that currently impede the financial system.
  • How It Works: The Finternet would be constructed on unified ledgers, integrating diverse financial markets—such as tokenized assets, shares, bonds, and real estate—into a single programmable platform. This setup would allow individuals and businesses to transfer any financial asset, in any amount, at any time, using any device, to anyone anywhere in the world. Transactions would be cost-effective, secure, and almost instantaneous.
  • Advantages: The Finternet will be designed with a user-centric and unified approach, encompassing all types of assets through a universal infrastructure.
  • Significance: By streamlining and simplifying the complex processes involved in current financial transactions, the Finternet would make transactions faster and more affordable. While central banks would continue to play a crucial role in maintaining trust in money, they would collaborate closely with commercial banks, similar to the current system.