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  • India is gearing up to host the second Asia Pacific (APAC) ministerial conference on civil aviation, a collaborative effort between the Indian government and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) APAC.
  • Here's an overview of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO):
    • ICAO, established in 1947 under the Convention on International Civil Aviation (1944), also known as the Chicago Convention, is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN).
    • Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, ICAO's primary mission is to ensure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation worldwide.
    • It develops and enforces global standards and regulations essential for aviation safety, security, efficiency, and environmental protection.


  • India has recently been appointed as the lead pioneer country for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Green Voyage2050 Project, marking a significant step towards advancing global efforts in sustainable maritime practices.
  • The Green Voyage2050 Project aligns with the overarching goal of supporting the effective implementation of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy. This strategy outlines ambitious targets, including a commitment to reduce total annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 levels.
  • Key components of the Green Voyage2050 Project include:
    • Development of global tools to facilitate the implementation of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy.
    • Capacity building initiatives, policy development, and the formulation of National Action Plans (NAPs) to enhance GHG emission reduction efforts.
    • Establishment of strategic partnerships to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among participating countries and stakeholders.
    • Promotion of technology cooperation, innovation, and pilot demonstrations to accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and explore opportunities for low- and zero-carbon fuels.
    • Partnering countries in the Green Voyage2050 Project, which include Azerbaijan, Belize, China, Cook Islands, Ecuador, Georgia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, and Sri Lanka, are categorized as either New Pilot Countries (NPC) or Pioneer Pilot Countries (PPC).


  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has maintained its growth projection for India's GDP at 7% for the current fiscal year.
  • About Asian Development Bank (ADB):
    • Established on December 19, 1966, ADB serves as the primary multilateral development bank dedicated to the Asia-Pacific region.
    • It aims to foster a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, with a commitment to eradicating extreme poverty in the region.
  • Functions:
    • ADB provides assistance to its developing member countries, private sectors, and public-private partnerships through grants, loans, technical assistance, and equity investments to promote social and economic development.
    • To maximize its impact, ADB facilitates policy dialogues, offers advisory services, and mobilizes financial resources through cofinancing operations involving official, commercial, and export credit sources.
    • Headquarters: Manila, Philippines.
  • Membership:
    • Membership in ADB is open to members and associate members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, as well as other regional and non-regional developed countries that are members of the U.N. or its specialized agencies.
    • Since its inception with 31 members, ADB's membership has grown to encompass 68 countries, including 49 from Asia and the Pacific and 19 from outside the region.


  • India, a founding member of the International Labour Organization (ILO), is poised to lodge a formal complaint against the UN agency regarding its India Employment Report 2024.
  • About International Labour Organization (ILO):
    • The International Labour Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to advancing labour conditions and living standards globally.
    • Established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles, following World War I, it emphasizes social justice as essential for sustainable peace.
    • In 1946, the ILO became a specialized agency of the UN, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
    • It is a member of the United Nations Development Group (UNDP), aligning efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
    • The ILO boasts 187 member states, including 186 UN member states plus the Cook Islands.
    • It stands as the only tripartite UN agency, bringing together governments, employers, and workers' representatives from its member states.
  • Functions include:
    • Developing international policies and programs to uphold human rights, enhance working and living conditions, and foster employment opportunities.
    • Establishing international labour standards with a unique system for overseeing their implementation.
    • Conducting extensive technical cooperation initiatives globally, working closely with member states to effectively implement policies.
    • Engaging in training, education, and research to support its core objectives.
    • The ILO was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969 in recognition of its significant contributions to promoting social justice and decent work worldwide.


  • A recent publication from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) advocates for increased investments in nutrition within the agri-food sector, asserting that such initiatives can mitigate gender disparities, boost productivity, and fortify business resilience.
  • About Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN):
    • Founded in 2002 and based in Geneva, Switzerland, GAIN emerged from the United Nations with a mission to combat malnutrition and its devastating impacts on human well-being.
    • GAIN operates globally, with offices strategically positioned in regions grappling with high malnutrition rates.
    • The foundation collaborates closely with governments, businesses, and civil society to enhance the affordability, accessibility, and desirability of nutritious food options.
    • GAIN's primary objective is to enhance nutritional outcomes by promoting the consumption of safe and nutritious food, particularly among vulnerable populations.
    • Through effective public-private partnerships, GAIN provides both financial and technical assistance to ensure nutritious foods reach those most susceptible to malnutrition.
    • The organization supports initiatives aimed at improving maternal and child health, emphasizing breastfeeding and specialized nutritional products for infants and young children aged over six months.
    • Additionally, GAIN partners with local enterprises to elevate food quality throughout agricultural value chains.
    • GAIN's nutrition programs currently benefit an estimated 667 million vulnerable individuals across more than 30 countries.


  • Recently, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) finalized two agreements to support projects aimed at conserving the miombo forest ecosystem.
  • About the Miombo Forest:
    • The Miombo biome comprises tropical and subtropical grasslands, bushlands, and savannahs spread over approximately 2.7 million square kilometers across southern Africa. It spans countries such as Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
    • The woodlands are dominated by species like Brachystegia, often alongside Julbernardia and Isoberlinia species.
    • This ecosystem encompasses four bioregions and plays a crucial role in sustaining the Greater Zambezi, a significant transnational river basin facilitating trade in the border regions of Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
  • Significance of the Miombo Forest:
    • The Miombo forest is indispensable for millions of rural inhabitants, providing essential resources such as firewood, food, and water.
  • Key Facts about the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
    • FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to leading global efforts to eradicate hunger, improve nutrition, and enhance food security.
    • Its mission is to achieve food security for all and ensure that people have regular access to sufficient, high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives.
    • Membership: FAO comprises 195 member countries, including 194 nations and the European Union, and operates in over 130 countries worldwide.
    • It collaborates closely with sister agencies like the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
    • Headquarters: Rome, Italy.
  • These agreements between FAO and AICS underscore their commitment to preserving the Miombo forest ecosystem, essential for sustainable development and the well-being of communities across southern Africa.


  • The Genocide Convention stands as the inaugural human rights treaty sanctioned by the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1948.
  • Per the provisions of the Genocide Convention, genocide constitutes a punishable offense, applicable in both wartime and peacetime circumstances.
  • India has affixed its signature to this crucial convention, indicating its commitment to combatting and preventing acts of genocide globally.

  • India has formally announced its participation in the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) held recently in Astana, Kazakhstan, led by the External Affairs Minister who heads the delegation.
  • Here are key points about the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO):
    • The SCO is a permanent intergovernmental international organization established on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai, China.
    • It is the largest regional organization in terms of geographical coverage and population, spanning about 80% of the Eurasian landmass and representing 40% of the global population.

  • India has formally announced its participation in the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) held recently in Astana, Kazakhstan, led by the External Affairs Minister who heads the delegation.
  • Here are key points about the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO):
    • The SCO is a permanent intergovernmental international organization established on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai, China.
    • It is the largest regional organization in terms of geographical coverage and population, spanning about 80% of the Eurasian landmass and representing 40% of the global population.

  • India has formally announced its participation in the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) held recently in Astana, Kazakhstan, led by the External Affairs Minister who heads the delegation.
  • Here are key points about the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO):
    • The SCO is a permanent intergovernmental international organization established on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai, China.
    • It is the largest regional organization in terms of geographical coverage and population, spanning about 80% of the Eurasian landmass and representing 40% of the global population.

  • The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) recently published its annual World Drug Report, focusing on global trends in drug use and related issues.
  • Key points from the World Drug Report 2024 include:
    • The report is an annual publication by the UNODC, providing comprehensive insights into global drug trends. 

    • Highlights indicate that the number of drug users has increased to 292 million in 2022, marking a 20% rise over the past decade.


  • In a momentous return, India is set to host the prestigious International Air Transport Association (IATA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) next year, marking a significant event after a hiatus of 42 years.
  • About International Air Transport Association (IATA):
    • Established in 1945 in Havana, Cuba, with 57 founding members, IATA stands as a formidable international trade association representing the global airline industry.
    • With a mission to "represent, lead, and serve the airline industry," IATA's influence extends across the globe.
    • It champions the interests of airlines on a global scale while setting industry standards that streamline processes, bolster safety measures, enhance passenger experiences, drive cost efficiencies, improve operational effectiveness, and contribute to sustainability objectives.
    • Currently boasting a membership of approximately 330 airlines, IATA commands authority over more than 80% of the world's air traffic.
    • Among its members are the foremost passenger and cargo carriers worldwide.
    • Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, IATA operates as a hub of aviation excellence.
  • Functions:
    • IATA's multifaceted role encompasses various facets of aviation activities, playing a pivotal role in shaping industry policies concerning critical aviation issues, including environmental sustainability.
    • The association serves as a vocal advocate for airlines worldwide, challenging unjust regulations and fees, holding governing bodies accountable, and advocating for judicious regulations.
    • Driven by the aim of reducing costs and enhancing operational efficiencies, IATA strives to simplify operations and elevate passenger experiences across the board.
    • It provides invaluable support to airlines, ensuring adherence to established norms for safe, secure, efficient, and cost-effective operations.
    • With a diverse array of goods and professional services, IATA offers expert assistance to all stakeholders within the aviation industry.
    • The annual IATA AGM & World Air Transport Summit, held in June each year, serves as a cornerstone event, formalizing industry stances on pertinent issues while spotlighting emerging challenges within the sector.

  • India has recently been selected as the Partner Administration for the Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) programme, committing to provide Tax Experts to support this initiative.
  • About Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB):
    • TIWB is a collaborative initiative launched in 2015 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    • The programme aims to enhance the audit capabilities of tax administrations in developing countries and promote compliance among multinational enterprises on a global scale.
      • TIWB's activities align with broader international efforts to foster cooperation on tax matters and bolster the capacity of developing countries to mobilize domestic resources effectively.
    • India's role as the Partner Administration underscores its commitment to supporting global tax governance and assisting fellow nations in building robust tax systems to drive sustainable development.

  • Recently, Uma Sekhar from India was elected to the governing council of the Rome-based International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in the first round of elections held in Rome.
  • About UNIDROIT:
    • UNIDROIT is an independent intergovernmental organization established in 1926 initially as an auxiliary organ of the League of Nations. It was later re-established in 1940 based on a multilateral agreement, the UNIDROIT Statute.
    • The organization currently comprises 65 member states from various continents, representing diverse legal, economic, political, and cultural backgrounds.
    • Uma Sekhar’s election to the UNIDROIT Governing Council underscores India’s ongoing commitment to the organization's objectives and its role in shaping international legal frameworks related to private law unification and harmonization.

  • The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently indicated a potential slowdown in the rapid growth of Indian oil product consumption.
  • About the International Energy Agency (IEA):
    • Established in 1974, the IEA is an international intergovernmental organization headquartered in Paris.
    • Initially focused on maintaining stability in the global oil supply, the IEA's mandate has evolved to encompass comprehensive analysis of global energy trends, advocacy for sound energy policies, and fostering international cooperation on energy technologies.
    • The recent observation by the IEA regarding potential stabilization in Indian oil product consumption growth reflects broader trends in energy consumption and economic development, influencing global energy markets and policies.


  • The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) recently reported the rescue of 662 undocumented migrants off the coast of Libya.
  • About the International Organisation for Migration (IOM):
    • Founded in 1951, IOM is the premier inter-governmental organization dedicated to migration. The IOM defines a migrant as "a person who moves away from his or her place of usual residence, whether within a country or across international borders, either temporarily or permanently, for various reasons."
    • At the request of states, IOM provides support to migrants, including internally displaced persons, refugees, and other displaced individuals. Its work spans four main areas: migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, and addressing forced migration.
  • IOM's objectives include:
    • Ensuring the orderly and humane management of migration.
    • Promoting international cooperation on migration issues.
    • Assisting in finding practical solutions to migration challenges.
    • Providing humanitarian aid to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.
    • In 2016, IOM entered into a formal agreement with the United Nations, becoming a related organization. Since 2018, IOM has served as the coordinator of the United Nations network on migration, established by the Secretary-General.
  • As the UN agency responsible for labor mobility and migration in general, IOM has 172 member states and 8 observer states, with India among its members. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland.


  • The count of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) in India surged by 12.2% in 2023 compared to the preceding year, as outlined in the World Wealth Report 2024 by the Capgemini Research Institute.
  • About World Wealth Report 2024:
    • Released annually by the Capgemini Research Institute, the World Wealth Report encompasses data from 71 countries, representing over 98% of global gross national income and 99% of world stock market capitalization.
  • Key Points:
    • Global HNWI wealth witnessed a growth of 4.7% in 2023, reaching a staggering $86.8 trillion, with the HNWI population soaring by 5.1% to 22.8 million worldwide.
    • HNWIs are defined as individuals possessing investable assets exceeding $1 million, excluding primary residences, collectibles, consumables, and consumer durables.
    • Segmented into three wealth bands—Ultra-HNWIs ($30 million or more), Mid-Tier Millionaires ($5-30M), and Millionaires Next Door ($1-5M)—the report delves into the nuanced aspects of wealth distribution.
    • Noteworthy performances in the APAC region were observed in India and Australia, with HNWI wealth growth recorded at 12.4% and 7.9%, and HNWI population growth at 12.2% and 7.8%, respectively. This growth was underpinned by resilient economies and robust equity market performances.
    • In India specifically, the HNWI count surged by 12.2% in 2023, culminating in a total population of 3.589 million.
    • Financial wealth among India's HNWIs saw a notable uptick of 12.4% in 2023, amounting to $1,445.7 billion compared to $1,286.7 billion in 2022.
    • Other economic indicators painted a positive picture for India, with a decrease in the unemployment rate to 3.1% in 2023 from 7% in 2022, a significant increase in market capitalization by 29.0%, and national savings rising to 33.4% of GDP in 2023 from 29.9% in 2022.


  • The Arun III Hydropower Project, a collaborative effort between Nepal and India, recently reached a significant milestone with the breakthrough of its tunnel, marking a crucial step forward in its construction.
  • About Arun-III Hydro Power Project:
    • Situated in the Sankhuwasabha District of Eastern Nepal, the Arun III Hydropower Project is a monumental endeavor aiming to harness the energy potential of the Arun River, a tributary of the Koshi River.
    • This project encompasses a 70-meter-tall concrete gravity dam and an 11.74 km Head Race Tunnel (HRT), leading to an underground power house housing four generating units of 225 MW each on the left bank. Funded with Indian assistance at a cost of Rs. 144 billion, it stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts between the two nations.
    • Upon completion, it will emerge as Nepal's largest hydroelectric facility, underscoring its pivotal role in the region's energy landscape. Developed under a Build-Own-Operate-and-Transfer (BOOT) framework by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) Arun-III Power Development Company (SAPDC), a joint venture between the Indian and Himachal Pradesh governments, the project signifies a commitment to sustainable energy development.
    • SAPDC will oversee operations for 25 years, following a construction period of five years, before transferring ownership to the Nepal government. During this initial operational phase, Nepal will receive 21.9% of the electricity generated as free power, enhancing energy accessibility and bolstering socio-economic development.
    • The power generated by this project will be transmitted to Muzaffarpur in India through a 317 km-long 400 kV double circuit transmission line, further facilitating regional energy integration and cooperation.


  • The inauguration of the Biopharmaceutical Alliance took place amidst the Bio International Convention 2024 in San Diego, marking a significant milestone in global biopharmaceutical collaboration.
  • Introducing the Biopharmaceutical Alliance:
    • Comprising India, South Korea, Japan, the USA, and the European Union, this alliance aims to fortify the biopharmaceutical supply chain through concerted efforts.
    • Recognizing the vital need for a robust and sustainable supply chain, the participating nations pledged to harmonize biopolicies, regulations, and R&D support initiatives.
    • Acknowledging the concentration of essential raw materials and ingredients production, they committed to jointly mapping out the pharmaceutical supply chain in detail.
    • The alliance's inception was spurred by the shortages in drug supplies witnessed during the Covid-19 crisis.
    • Its formal launch occurred amidst the prestigious Bio International Convention 2024, renowned as the foremost gathering in the biotechnology realm, convening over 20,000 global leaders.
    • This convention serves as a nexus for the entire biotech spectrum, bridging public pharmaceutical giants, burgeoning startups, academia, non-profits, and governmental bodies.


  • The UN High Seas Treaty, also known as the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement, stands as a groundbreaking international accord adopted by the United Nations in June 2023.
  • Insight into the UN High Seas Treaty:
    • This landmark treaty endeavors to safeguard and responsibly utilize marine biodiversity situated in areas beyond national jurisdiction, encompassing a substantial portion of the world's oceans.
    • The term "high seas" denotes those expanses of the ocean that lie outside the purview of national governance.
    • Despite harboring rich biodiversity, these areas are inadequately protected by legal frameworks, with less than two percent benefiting from formal conservation measures.
    • As of now, only seven nations—Belize, Chile, Mauritius, Federated States of Micronesia, Monaco, Palau, and the Seychelles—have ratified the treaty.
    • For the treaty to attain international legal status, it necessitates signatures and ratifications from a minimum of 60 countries. Notably, India is yet to either sign or ratify the agreement.


  • In the newly constituted Indian cabinet, comprising 30 Union ministers, only two are women, marking a significant gender disparity. Moreover, the total number of ministers in the central council has dwindled from 10 in the preceding administration to just seven.
  • About the Report:
    • The Global Gender Gap Report 2024, issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF), sheds light on the enduring gender disparities prevalent across diverse sectors worldwide.
  • Key Findings:
    • Leading Nations: Iceland retains its status as the most gender-equal nation for the 14th consecutive year, boasting a commendable gender gap score of 91.2%.
    • Other Nordic countries like Norway, Finland, and Sweden also feature prominently in the top five rankings.
    • India secures the 129th spot in this year’s index, experiencing a marginal decline compared to the previous assessment.
    • This slight regression primarily stems from minor setbacks in 'Educational Attainment' and 'Political Empowerment', although there was a modest improvement in 'Economic Participation and Opportunity'.
    • Among South Asian economies, India ranks third lowest, trailing behind Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan, reflecting a comparatively inferior performance in gender parity metrics.


  • Orangutans, distinguished by their unique red fur, are recognized as the largest tree-dwelling mammals. They are predominantly arboreal, spending more than 90% of their waking time in the trees. These primates are highly intelligent and share approximately 96.4% of their genetic makeup with humans, underscoring the importance of their conservation.
  • Distribution: Orangutans are native to the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the Malaysian and Indonesian regions of Borneo.
  • Orangutan Diplomacy:

Malaysia’s Plantation and Commodities Minister, Johari Ghani, has launched an initiative known as "Orangutan Diplomacy" to address sustainability issues related to deforestation caused by palm oil production, which affects orangutan habitats. In May, Ghani announced plans to offer orangutans as gifts to countries that import palm oil, drawing inspiration from China’s "panda diplomacy" — a strategy of using pandas as diplomatic tools and symbols of wildlife conservation.

  • World Population Day serves as a global initiative to increase awareness about critical population issues and their profound societal impacts.
  • Key Points about World Population Day:
    • It is observed annually on July 11th.
    • This event underscores the importance of addressing issues such as reproductive health, family planning, gender equality, and sustainable development.
    • History:
      • Established by the United Nations (UN), the first World Population Day was observed in 1989, with participation from over 90 countries.
      • The inspiration behind this day came from the world population reaching five billion on July 11, 1987, prompting Dr. KC Zachariah of the World Bank to propose its observance.
    • Facts about Global Population:
      • In 2011, the world population reached 7 billion, and as of November 15, 2022, it surpassed 8 billion.
      • According to UN projections, global population is expected to reach approximately 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion by 2050, and 10.9 billion by 2100.

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently launched MeDevIS, an innovative online platform aimed at transforming global access to information on medical devices.
  • About MeDevIS:
    • MeDevIS stands for Medical Devices Information System and represents the first-ever global open access clearinghouse dedicated to medical devices.
    • This platform is meticulously designed to assist governments, regulators, and healthcare professionals in making informed decisions regarding the selection, procurement, and utilization of medical devices for diagnosing, testing, and treating various diseases and health conditions.
    • Key Features of MeDevIS:
      • Integration of Two International Naming Systems:
      • European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN): Predominantly used for registrations within European databases.
      • Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN): Utilized by regulatory bodies in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other member states.

  • Recently, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) released its World Population Prospects 2024 report, highlighting significant projections and trends.
  • Key Highlights of the Report:
    • Population Growth: The global population is expected to continue increasing over the next 50-60 years, reaching approximately 10.3 billion by the mid-2080s, up from 8.2 billion in 2024. Subsequently, a gradual decline is anticipated, with the population stabilizing around 10.2 billion by the end of the century.


  • The Sri Lankan President recently defended the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout during his re-election campaign.
  • About the International Monetary Fund (IMF):
    • Overview: The IMF is a specialized agency of the United Nations, established at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, in the wake of the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    • Objectives: Its primary goals include fostering global monetary cooperation, maintaining financial stability, facilitating international trade, encouraging high employment and sustainable economic growth, and alleviating poverty.
    • Functions: The IMF monitors the economic performance of its member countries, identifies potential risks, and offers policy advice. It provides financial assistance to countries facing balance-of-payments issues and delivers technical support and training to enhance economic management.
    • Conditionality: IMF financial aid often comes with conditions requiring recipient countries to implement reforms aimed at improving economic growth and stability.
    • Membership: The IMF has 190 member countries and is headquartered in Washington, DC.
  • Structure:
    • Board of Governors: At the top is the Board of Governors, consisting of one governor (typically the finance minister or central bank governor) and an alternate governor from each member country. This board holds all IMF powers.
    • Executive Board: Daily operations are overseen by the 24-member Executive Board, which represents all member countries and is supported by IMF staff.
    • Managing Director: The Managing Director leads the IMF staff, chairs the Executive Board, and is assisted by four Deputy Managing Directors. The role is traditionally held by a European.
    • Departments: The IMF has 18 departments responsible for its various functions, including country analysis, policy development, and technical work.
    • Quotas: Each member contributes a financial quota based on their wealth and economic performance, reviewed every five years. The quotas determine borrowing limits and voting power within the IMF, with the U.S., as the largest economy, being the largest contributor.
    • Voting Power: Voting power in the IMF is influenced by quotas, with each vote corresponding to 100,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of quota plus basic votes. SDRs are an international reserve asset created by the IMF to supplement the monetary reserves of member countries.


  • Ex-Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani, a former president of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), has asserted that India deserves to secure its "rightful place" as a permanent member of the UNSC.
  • About the United Nations Security Council (UNSC):
    • The UNSC is one of the five principal organs of the United Nations (UN).
    • Its main responsibility is to maintain international peace and security.
    • According to the UN Charter, all Member States are required to adhere to UNSC resolutions.
    • The Security Council plays a key role in identifying threats to peace or acts of aggression.
    • It encourages disputing parties to resolve conflicts through peaceful means and suggests methods of adjustment or settlement.
    • In certain situations, the UNSC can impose sanctions or authorize the use of force to uphold or restore international peace and security.
  • Powers:
    • Establishing peacekeeping operations
    • Implementing international sanctions
    • Authorizing military action via Security Council resolutions
  • Members:
    • The UNSC is composed of 15 members, each holding one vote.
    • There are 5 permanent members, known as the P5: the United Kingdom, China, France, Russia, and the United States.
    • The P5’s special status originates from the UN’s founding after World War II.
    • They hold veto power over UNSC decisions.
    • There are 10 non-permanent members, elected annually by the 193-member General Assembly for two-year terms.
    • The non-permanent seats are distributed to ensure geographic representation: five from Africa or Asia, one from Eastern Europe, two from Latin America, and two from Western Europe or other regions.
  • The UNSC maintains its permanent headquarters at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.


  • The Geneva Conventions comprise four treaties containing over 400 articles that establish comprehensive rules for the humane treatment of prisoners, safeguard hospitals and medical personnel, facilitate humanitarian aid, and prohibit torture, rape, and sexual violence. These conventions were formalized by the United Nations in 1949. In addition, there are three supplementary protocols: the first two were adopted in 1977, and the third in 2005. While the Conventions primarily focus on the treatment of non-combatants and prisoners of war, they do not address the methods and means of warfare or the use of conventional, biological, or chemical weapons. These latter aspects are regulated by The Hague Conventions and the Geneva Protocol.


  • China is hosting the ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, a key diplomatic event aimed at enhancing relations with African countries.
  • About FOCAC:
    • Establishment: FOCAC was established in 2000 to formalize the strategic partnership between China and African nations.
    • Summit Schedule: A summit is held every three years, with the hosting duties alternating between China and an African member state.
    • Membership: The FOCAC includes 53 African nations, covering the entire continent except Eswatini, which maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan contrary to Beijing’s “One China” Policy. The African Union Commission, responsible for fostering cooperation and economic integration across the continent, is also a member.
    • Theme: This year’s summit theme is “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.”
    • Focus Areas: The current summit is anticipated to address issues such as state governance, industrialization, agricultural development, and enhanced cooperation regarding China’s infrastructure financing through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


  • The Council of Europe recently announced that the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, and the European Union, among others, have signed the International AI treaty that was adopted last year.
  • About the Council of Europe (CoE):
    • The Council of Europe is an international organization comprised of European countries dedicated to safeguarding democracy and human rights while promoting European unity through legal, cultural, and social cooperation. It is the oldest and largest intergovernmental organization in Europe, established in 1949. The CoE has 47 member states, 27 of which are part of the European Union (EU), and is headquartered in Strasbourg, France. Its official languages are English and French.
    • It is important to distinguish the CoE from the European Council, which is a policy-making body of the EU. The CoE addresses various common concerns of its members, such as human rights, crime prevention, drug abuse, environmental protection, bioethical issues, and migration. To manage these issues, the Council has developed over 160 international agreements, treaties, and conventions, which have replaced numerous bilateral treaties between European states.
    • Notable agreements include the European Convention on Human Rights (1950), the European Cultural Convention (1954), the European Social Charter (1961), the European Convention on the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment (1987), the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (1995), and the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (1997).
    • The Council of Europe is organized into four main bodies: the Committee of Ministers (which makes decisions), the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, and the Secretariat.
  • How the CoE Differs from the European Union:
    • The CoE is not a supranational institution like the European Community.
    • It lacks legislative power.
    • Member states cooperate on a voluntary basis.
    • The CoE cannot impose rules on its member states.
    • Unlike the EU, the CoE does not function as an economic organization.


  • Natural geographic isolation among Asiatic lion populations in Gujarat is currently not prompting the need for their translocation, according to the Director General of the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA).
  • About the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA):
  • Overview:
    • The IBCA was established by the Indian Prime Minister in Mysuru on April 9, 2023, during the celebration of 50 years of Project Tiger in India.
  • Objective:
    • The alliance's primary goal is to enhance global cooperation and conservation efforts for seven big cat species: tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard, cheetah, jaguar, and puma, along with their habitats.
    • Of these seven species, five—tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard, and cheetah—are native to India.
  • Scope and Mission:
    • IBCA aims to engage with 97 countries that encompass the natural ranges of these big cats.
    • It is envisioned as a coalition involving multiple countries and agencies, designed to boost global collaboration and mobilize financial and technical resources for the conservation of these species and their ecosystems.
    • The alliance will act as a dynamic platform for integrating knowledge and best practices, supporting existing inter-governmental initiatives, and directly aiding recovery efforts in potential range habitats.
  • Functions:
    • IBCA will employ a multi-faceted approach to broaden its impact, including knowledge-sharing, capacity-building, networking, advocacy, and resource mobilization.
    • The governance structure includes an assembly of members, a standing committee, and a secretariat based in India.
  • Funding:
    • The Government of India has committed an initial support of ₹150 crore for a five-year period (2023-24 to 2027-28).

  • India's standing in the World Press Freedom Index took a downturn in the past year, shifting from 36.62 to 31.28, as indicated by the latest release of the World Press Freedom Index for 2024.
  • Key Points about the World Press Freedom Index 2024:
    • Annually compiled by the global media watchdog, Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

Rates 180 nations based on journalists' ability to operate and report freely and autonomously.

  • During the 37th African Union Summit, member nations unveiled a pioneering initiative known as the Africa Club.
  • The Africa Club, formally titled the Alliance of African Multilateral Financial Institutions, is a coalition of African-owned and controlled financial institutions launched at the African Union summit.

  • The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is poised to issue a Blue Corner notice against a political Party MP who absconded to Germany on a diplomatic passport following allegations of sexual abuse.
  • Understanding Interpol's Colour-Coded Notices:
    • Interpol employs a sophisticated system of colour-coded notices to facilitate the global dissemination of alerts and requests for information pertaining to wanted individuals or criminal activities.
    • This exchange of crucial crime-related data plays a pivotal role in combating transnational criminal enterprises.

  • India and Nigeria have mutually agreed to accelerate the implementation of the Local Currency Settlement System Agreement, with the objective of bolstering bilateral trade between the two nations.
  • Under this agreement, trade settlements will be conducted using the Indian rupee and the Nigerian naira, streamlining transactions and fostering economic cooperation.
  • The session, held from April 29 to 30, 2024, delineated various areas aimed at augmenting bilateral trade relations between India and Nigeria.

  • India and Indonesia convened their seventh Joint Defence Cooperation Committee meeting in New Delhi, underscoring their commitment to deepening collaboration in various areas of defense.
  • The discussions during the meeting centered on broadening cooperation in the defense industry, maritime security, and multilateral initiatives aimed at enhancing security in the region.

  • According to Reporters Without Borders, India's World Press Freedom Index score experienced a decline from 36.62 to 31.28 in 2024, indicating a concerning trend in press freedom within the country.
  • This annual report evaluates the state of journalism freedoms in 180 nations worldwide, providing a comprehensive assessment of the media landscape.

  • NADA India recently wrapped up its #PlayTrue Campaign, aligning with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)'s Play True Day.
  • The campaign underscores NADA India's dedication to educating athletes, coaches, and the broader sports community on anti-doping protocols, empowering them to uphold fair play standards across India.
  • This initiative provided a pivotal platform for athletes and stakeholders to unite, share knowledge, and devise strategies to fortify India's anti-doping framework in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

  • China has formally announced a new territorial delineation for its northern claims in the Gulf of Tonkin, an area it shares with Vietnam.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin is a crescent-shaped, shallow body of water located in the northwestern part of the South China Sea. Its borders are defined by the northern coastline of Vietnam to the west and northwest, China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, and the Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island to the east. Known as "Beibu Gulf" in Chinese and "Bac Bo Gulf" in Vietnamese, it serves as a vital maritime area for both nations.
  • Numerous rivers flow into the Gulf of Tonkin, with the Red River (known as the Yuan River in Chinese) being the primary source of freshwater discharge, supplemented by several smaller rivers.

  • According to the 2024 World Migration Report, India made history in 2022 by exceeding the $100 billion mark in remittances, receiving over USD 111 billion. This marked a significant milestone, with India leading the pack as the top recipient of remittances globally.
  • The World Migration Report, published bi-annually by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), provides essential insights into migration trends and issues. The latest report highlights a steady increase in the number of international migrants over the past five decades. In 2020, the global estimate stood at approximately 281 million international migrants, constituting 3.6 percent of the world's population.

  • The African Union (AU) has strongly denounced the Israeli military's recent incursions into southern Gaza's Rafah, urging the international community to intervene and halt what it terms "this deadly escalation" of the conflict.
  • Established in 2002, the AU is a continental body comprising 55 member states across Africa, succeeding the Organization of African Unity (OAU), founded in 1963. Its core mission is to foster unity, cooperation, and development among African nations while advocating for the continent's interests globally.
  • Guided by the vision of "An Integrated, Prosperous, and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena," the AU operates with Agenda 2063 as its strategic framework. This ambitious agenda underscores the need for collaborative efforts and African-led initiatives to realize long-term socio-economic and integrative transformation across the continent.