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  • Recent studies have uncovered that mobile applications frequently employ deceptive design strategies, commonly referred to as dark patterns, to steer users into unintended actions.
  • Dark patterns are manipulative techniques in user interface (UI) design used by websites, apps, and digital platforms to deceive users into taking actions they may not intend to take or to make decisions that are not in their best interests.
  • These practices aim to benefit the company employing them through influencing user behavior.
  • The term "dark patterns" was coined by Harry Brignull, a specialist in user experience, in 2010.
  • They are often utilized to prompt users to subscribe to services, complete purchases, or disclose personal information, among other objectives.
  • Dark patterns exploit cognitive biases and psychological principles to manipulate user behavior, varying from subtle forms of misleading information to more overtly aggressive tactics.
  • There exist various types of dark patterns, including friend spam, forced continuity, disguised ads, confirm shaming, bait and switch, hidden costs, roach motel, privacy zuckering, misdirection, price comparison prevention, trick questions, and sneak into basket.
  • For instance, "confirm shaming" involves using language or imagery that induces fear, shame, ridicule, or guilt to compel the user to act in a specific manner.
  • In November 2023, the Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, issued guidelines addressing 13 specific dark patterns.
  • According to these guidelines, the use of any of these designated dark patterns constitutes misleading advertising, an unfair trade practice, or a violation of consumer rights.


  • A recent publication from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) advocates for increased investments in nutrition within the agri-food sector, asserting that such initiatives can mitigate gender disparities, boost productivity, and fortify business resilience.
  • About Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN):
    • Founded in 2002 and based in Geneva, Switzerland, GAIN emerged from the United Nations with a mission to combat malnutrition and its devastating impacts on human well-being.
    • GAIN operates globally, with offices strategically positioned in regions grappling with high malnutrition rates.
    • The foundation collaborates closely with governments, businesses, and civil society to enhance the affordability, accessibility, and desirability of nutritious food options.
    • GAIN's primary objective is to enhance nutritional outcomes by promoting the consumption of safe and nutritious food, particularly among vulnerable populations.
    • Through effective public-private partnerships, GAIN provides both financial and technical assistance to ensure nutritious foods reach those most susceptible to malnutrition.
    • The organization supports initiatives aimed at improving maternal and child health, emphasizing breastfeeding and specialized nutritional products for infants and young children aged over six months.
    • Additionally, GAIN partners with local enterprises to elevate food quality throughout agricultural value chains.
    • GAIN's nutrition programs currently benefit an estimated 667 million vulnerable individuals across more than 30 countries.


  • SEBI recently announced that CEOs, Managing Directors (MD), or equivalent officials of asset management companies (AMCs) will bear responsibility and accountability for implementing measures aimed at preventing potential market abuse, according to a recent circular.
  • About Asset Management Companies (AMCs):
    • An AMC is a financial institution that aggregates funds from multiple investors and invests them across various financial instruments like stocks, bonds, and real estate, with the goal of generating returns for investors in exchange for a fee.
    • AMCs are commonly known as money managers or investment management firms.
    • AMCs operate in diverse forms, including hedge funds, mutual funds, index funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), private equity funds, and others.
    • Those offering public mutual funds or ETFs are also known as investment companies or mutual fund companies.
    • AMCs manage investments for a wide range of clients, including retail investors, institutional investors, government organizations, private sector entities, and high-net-worth individuals.
    • The primary role of an AMC is to make investment decisions on behalf of its clients and manage their investment portfolios, aiming to help them achieve growth over time.
    • To achieve this goal, AMCs appoint skilled fund managers with expertise in investments to oversee and manage client assets.
    • Fund managers utilize various investment strategies and employ financial tools, such as risk management techniques, to safeguard investor assets and optimize portfolio performance.
    • Additionally, AMCs have dedicated research analysts who support fund managers by conducting market research and analysis.
    • A key metric for AMCs is their assets under management (AUM), which reflects the total value of investments managed on behalf of clients. This figure is indicative of investor trust and confidence in the AMC's ability to manage their investments effectively.
    • SEBI, India's Capital Market Regulator, oversees and regulates all AMCs operating within the country, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and safeguarding investor interests.


  • The Kumaradevam gram panchayat, situated in East Godavari district, mourned the loss of a century-old Indian Siris tree, casting a shadow of sorrow over the community.
  • About Indian Siris:
    • The Indian Siris, scientifically known as Albizia lebbeck, is a tropical tree indigenous to India and Southeast Asia.
    • Belonging to the Fabaceae family, it is a deciduous tree known for its diverse applications.
    • Indian Siris thrives in warm and humid climates and adapts well to various soil types such as clay, loam, and sandy soils.
    • Key Features:
    • It typically grows to a height of 15-20 meters, featuring a broad-spreading canopy shaped like an umbrella.
    • The tree's trunk is generally straight, reaching a diameter of up to 1 meter.
    • Its leaves are fern-like and green, growing up to 25 cm long.
    • Indian Siris displays a moderate to dense branching pattern, with branches spreading outward and upward from the trunk.
    • The tree produces small clusters of fragrant, white flowers.
    • Ecological Importance:
    • Indian Siris plays a crucial ecological role by fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere, thereby enriching the soil and supporting the growth of other plant species.

Its extensive and shallow root system makes it effective for soil binding, contributing to soil conservation and erosion control efforts.


  • A Bangladesh-registered C-130J Super Hercules jet garnered significant attention on amid reports of the Bangladesh Prime Minister departing the country.
  • About C-130J Super Hercules:
    • The C-130J Super Hercules is a four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft.
    • It serves as the principal tactical cargo and personnel transport aircraft for the US Air Force.
    • Developed by Lockheed Martin, a prominent US security and aerospace company, the C-130J represents the latest generation of the C-130 Hercules family, specializing in tactical airlift missions.
  • Key Features:
    • The aircraft is renowned for its ability to operate from rough, unpaved airstrips, making it a vital asset for airdropping troops and supplies in challenging environments.
    • Major operators include the US Air Force, US Marine Corps, Australia, Canada, India, Italy, and the United Kingdom.
    • It features reduced crew requirements, with a minimal operating crew of two pilots and one loadmaster.
    • The C-130J boasts a payload capacity of 19 tons and is powered by four Rolls-Royce AE 2100D3 turboprop engines.
    • Equipped with advanced digital avionics and a Head-Up Display (HUD) for each pilot, the aircraft offers enhanced operational capabilities.
  • Specifications:
    • Range: 6,852 km (without payload)
    • Speed: 644 km/hr
    • Endurance: Over 20 hours
    • The C-130J Super Hercules excels in short takeoffs and landings from unprepared runways, underscoring its versatility in military operations worldwide.


  • The "VIRAASAT" exhibition, a fortnight-long celebration marking the 10th National Handloom Day, commenced recently at Handloom Haat located in Janpath.
  • About "VIRAASAT" and National Handloom Day:
    • Organized by the National Handloom Development Corporation Ltd (NHDC) under the Ministry of Textiles, "VIRAASAT" is an exclusive handloom expo that continues the tradition of honoring National Handloom Day with a showcase of India's rich handloom and handicraft traditions.
  • Focus:
    • The exhibition highlights the illustrious heritage of handloom and handicrafts, providing a direct market for handloom weavers and artisans.
    • It features unique products such as Banarasi, Jamdani, Baluchari, Madhubani, Kosa, Ikkat, Patola, Tussar Silk, Maheshwari, Moirang Phee, Phulkari, Laheriya, Khandua, and Tangaliya.
  • Key Facts about National Handloom Day:
    • Historical Context: The inception of National Handloom Day on August 7th commemorates the Swadeshi Movement of 1905, which advocated for indigenous industries, particularly supporting handloom weavers.
    • Since 2015, the Government of India has officially observed August 7th as National Handloom Day.
    • The inaugural National Handloom Day was celebrated on August 7th, 2015, in Chennai.
    • The day aims to acknowledge the dedication and skills of the weaver community, highlighting their contributions to the sector.
    • "VIRAASAT" serves as a platform to uphold and promote India's vibrant handloom traditions, fostering appreciation and support for handcrafted textiles across the nation.


  • Researchers have successfully isolated and characterized India's initial cultures of the indigenous methanotroph Methylocucumis oryzae from rice fields and wetlands, primarily in Western India.
  • About Methylocucumis oryzae:
    • Methylocucumis oryzae is a bacterium abundant in natural ecosystems such as wetlands and rice fields.
    • It derives its name from its distinctive oval and elongated shape, resembling a cucumber, earning it the nickname 'methane-eating cucumbers'.
  • Key Features:
    • This bacterium plays a crucial role as a methanotroph, significantly contributing to methane oxidation.
    • It stands out for its unusually large size among bacteria, comparable to that of a small yeast (3-6 µm).
    • Unlike many methanotrophs, Methylocucumis oryzae exhibits strict mesophilic behavior, thriving only within temperatures below 37ºC.
    • Colonies of this bacterium appear as light pale pink, with its genome indicating a pathway for carotenoid production.
    • Recent studies have revealed its additional role in enhancing rice plant growth by stimulating early flowering and increasing grain yield.
    • However, its slow growth rate poses challenges for scaling up cultivation, essential for broader mitigation and biotechnological applications.
  • What are Methanotrophs?
    • Methanotrophs, or methane-oxidizing bacteria, play a critical ecological role by converting methane into biomass, utilizing oxygen and producing CO2 and H2O.
    • These bacteria naturally mitigate methane emissions and thrive in environments where both methane and oxygen are available.
  • Habitat:
    • Methanotrophs are commonly found in habitats such as wetlands, rice fields, ponds, and other aquatic environments, where they are pivotal in regulating methane levels.


  • Recently, the Department of Posts unveiled a series of commemorative postage stamps to celebrate the Paris Olympics.
  • Commemorative stamps are issued to mark significant events, notable personalities across various fields, aspects of nature, rare flora and fauna, environmental concerns, agricultural activities, national and international issues, and games, among others.
  • These stamps are exclusively available at Philatelic Bureaux, counters, or through the Philatelic Deposit Account Scheme, and they are printed in limited quantities.
  • Rules for Issuing Commemorative Postage Stamps
  • Proposals for issuing commemorative postage stamps can be submitted by any citizen of India.
  • Stamps are issued only on the centenary, 125th anniversary, or 150th anniversary of apex institutions or organizations, not on their branches.
  • The institution or organization should hold national or international stature and have made significant, recognized contributions in their respective fields.
  • Commemorative stamps are not issued for living personalities; they must be of national or international importance, and issued on occasions such as birth centenaries or significant death anniversaries, typically no sooner than ten years after the individual's passing.
  • Exceptions are considered for personalities in Art, Culture, and Music.
  • Stamps can also be issued to commemorate buildings, monuments, etc., on their centenaries or other significant anniversaries if they are heritage sites of national or international importance or recognized by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).
  • These stamps are released by the Department of Posts under the Ministry of Communications.


  • Recently, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) finalized two agreements to support projects aimed at conserving the miombo forest ecosystem.
  • About the Miombo Forest:
    • The Miombo biome comprises tropical and subtropical grasslands, bushlands, and savannahs spread over approximately 2.7 million square kilometers across southern Africa. It spans countries such as Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
    • The woodlands are dominated by species like Brachystegia, often alongside Julbernardia and Isoberlinia species.
    • This ecosystem encompasses four bioregions and plays a crucial role in sustaining the Greater Zambezi, a significant transnational river basin facilitating trade in the border regions of Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
  • Significance of the Miombo Forest:
    • The Miombo forest is indispensable for millions of rural inhabitants, providing essential resources such as firewood, food, and water.
  • Key Facts about the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
    • FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to leading global efforts to eradicate hunger, improve nutrition, and enhance food security.
    • Its mission is to achieve food security for all and ensure that people have regular access to sufficient, high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives.
    • Membership: FAO comprises 195 member countries, including 194 nations and the European Union, and operates in over 130 countries worldwide.
    • It collaborates closely with sister agencies like the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
    • Headquarters: Rome, Italy.
  • These agreements between FAO and AICS underscore their commitment to preserving the Miombo forest ecosystem, essential for sustainable development and the well-being of communities across southern Africa.