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  • Researchers have recently devised a straightforward method to store, identify, and distribute bacteriophages more effectively, enhancing their accessibility for patients in need.
  • About Bacteriophage:

Bacteriophages are viruses that specifically infect bacteria, earning their name from the Greek words meaning "bacteria eater." They are abundant in nature, found in diverse environments such as soil, the earth’s crust, plants, animals, and oceans.

Infection Mechanism: 

  • To infect bacteria, a bacteriophage first attaches to a susceptible bacterium and injects its genetic material. This material then takes control of the host cell’s machinery, redirecting it to produce viral components instead of bacterial ones.

  • The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has recently approved seven new projects under the Technology Development Fund (TDF) scheme, aimed at fostering indigenous defence technology capabilities within the private sector.
  • About Technology Development Fund (TDF) Scheme:
    • Established to promote self-reliance in Defence Technology as part of the 'Make in India' initiative, the TDF is a Ministry of Defence programme executed by DRDO.
    • Funding Support:
      • Projects with costs up to INR 50 crore are eligible, with funding potentially covering up to 90% of the total project expenditure.
      • Industry can collaborate with academia or research institutions, though academic involvement cannot exceed 40% of the project cost.
      • Funding is disbursed based on mutually agreed milestones, either through advance payments with a corresponding bank guarantee or reimbursement upon milestone completion.

  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently issued a notification allowing resident individuals to open Foreign Currency Accounts (FCAs) at International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) located in GIFT City, Gujarat, under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS).
  • About Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS):
    • Introduced by the RBI in 2004, the Liberalised Remittance Scheme aims to facilitate easier and more streamlined processes for Indians looking to remit funds abroad.
    • It enables resident individuals, including minors, to remit up to USD 250,000 per financial year (April–March) for various permissible current and capital account transactions.
    • Only individual Indian residents can avail of this scheme, with entities like corporates, partnership firms, HUFs, and trusts excluded from its scope.This initiative by the RBI aims to enhance accessibility and ease for resident individuals in managing their foreign currency transactions through IFSCs at GIFT City.

  • Scientists at the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) have recently identified a new species of deep-water dogfish shark, named Squalus hima, discovered off the southwest coast of India in the Arabian Sea near a fishing harbor in Kerala.
  • About Squalus hima:
    • Squalus hima belongs to the genus Squalus within the family Squalidae, commonly known as spurdogs. These sharks are characterized by smooth dorsal fin spines, an angular short snout, a small mouth almost as wide as the snout, and the origin of the first dorsal fin positioned behind the pectoral fins. Their bodies are typically devoid of spots.
    • This discovery highlights the ongoing biodiversity research efforts of ZSI in uncovering and documenting unique marine species in Indian waters, contributing significantly to our understanding of marine ecosystems and conservation efforts.

  • Indian scientists have recently unveiled an open-source tool designed to create an infrared star catalogue specifically tailored for the Adaptive Optics System (AOS) of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT).
  • About the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT):
    • The TMT represents a new class of revolutionary large telescopes poised to deepen our exploration of space and observe celestial phenomena with unprecedented clarity.
    • This ambitious international collaboration involves India, the United States, Canada, China, and Japan, aiming to advance our understanding of the universe significantly.
    • Primary Goals of TMT:
      • Study the early universe, including the formation and evolution of galaxies and stars post-Big Bang.
      • Explore the structure, formation, and evolution of galaxies across cosmic epochs.
      • Investigate the interplay between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently launched MeDevIS, an innovative online platform aimed at transforming global access to information on medical devices.
  • About MeDevIS:
    • MeDevIS stands for Medical Devices Information System and represents the first-ever global open access clearinghouse dedicated to medical devices.
    • This platform is meticulously designed to assist governments, regulators, and healthcare professionals in making informed decisions regarding the selection, procurement, and utilization of medical devices for diagnosing, testing, and treating various diseases and health conditions.
    • Key Features of MeDevIS:
      • Integration of Two International Naming Systems:
      • European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN): Predominantly used for registrations within European databases.
      • Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN): Utilized by regulatory bodies in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other member states.

  • The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has recently proposed a change allowing companies to issue non-convertible debentures (NCDs) and non-convertible redeemable preference shares (NCRPS) with a face value of Rs. 10,000, replacing the current requirement of Rs. 1 lakh face value.
  • Understanding Preference Shares:
    • Preference shares, commonly known as preferred stock, are a type of equity security where shareholders receive dividends before common stockholders in case of dividend distribution by the company.
    • In the event of bankruptcy, preference shareholders have priority over common shareholders in receiving assets from the company.
    • Distinction between Types of Preference Shares:
      • Convertible vs. Non-Convertible Preference Shares:
      • Convertible preference shares can be converted into equity shares of the company at a later date, providing flexibility to investors.
      • Non-convertible preference shares cannot be converted into equity shares and offer a fixed income to investors.

  • Marine biologists at the University of Southampton recently unveiled a groundbreaking technique for deciphering the chemistry of otoliths, commonly known as "earstones," found in the ears of fish.
  • Understanding Otoliths:
    • Otoliths are hard, calcium carbonate structures located behind the brain of bony fishes, resembling tree rings that reveal the age of a fish.
  • Types of Otoliths:
    • There are three main types of otoliths:
      • Sagitta: The largest of the three pairs, sagitta otoliths play a crucial role in detecting sound and aiding in the hearing process.
      • Chemical Analysis:
        • Otoliths contain isotopes and trace elements that provide valuable environmental information:
        • Oxygen Isotopes: Different forms of oxygen isotopes in otoliths indicate the water temperature experienced by the fish during its lifetime.

  • Recently, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the imposition of State emergency under Article 356 of the Constitution must have a "reasonable nexus" with the grounds cited for such action.
  • Understanding Article 356:
    • Article 356 of the Constitution of India, derived from Section 93 of the Government of India Act, 1935, allows for the imposition of President's Rule in a state.
    • Constraints:
      • The 44th Amendment to the Constitution (1978) imposes restrictions on extending President's Rule beyond one year unless certain conditions like a national emergency or difficulties in conducting state elections are met.
      • During President's Rule:
      • The Governor, acting on behalf of the President, assumes the administration of the state with assistance from appointed advisors and administrators.