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  • The forest department recently held its inaugural 'Cyclothon' to commemorate World Wildlife Week 2024 at the buffer zone of the Kawal Tiger Reserve.
  • About Kawal Tiger Reserve:
    • Located in the northeastern part of Telangana, the Kawal Tiger Reserve lies along the banks of the Godavari River, forming part of the Deccan Peninsula's central highlands. Covering an area of over 2,015 square kilometers, the reserve is situated within the Sahyadri Mountain Ranges.
    • In 2012, the Government of India designated Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve. The reserve boasts a rich variety of habitats, including dense forests, grasslands, open spaces, rivers, streams, and various water bodies.
    • The reserve serves as a catchment area for the Godavari and Kadam rivers, which flow southward through the sanctuary. Geographically, it is positioned at the southern tip of the Central Indian Tiger Landscape and has connections to the Tadoba-Andhari Reserve in Maharashtra and the Indravati Reserve in Chhattisgarh.
  • Vegetation:
    • The predominant vegetation type is Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest, featuring extensive growth of teak and bamboo.
  • Fauna:
    • Kawal Tiger Reserve is home to a wide array of wildlife, including species such as cheetal, sambar, barking deer, nilgai, sloth bear, Indian bison, panther, and tiger. The reserve also hosts various reptiles, including crocodiles, pythons, monitor lizards, star tortoises, and cobras.