English Medium Videos

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S.No Subject Topic Uploaded Date/Time View-Video
1 Basic Numeracy (Maths) PROFIT AND LOSS 30/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
2 Basic Numeracy (Maths) percentage 29/12/2022 | 04:30:PM
3 Basic Numeracy (Maths) compound Interest 26/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
4 Basic Numeracy (Maths) number system 23/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
5 Basic Numeracy (Maths) Average 22/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
6 Basic Numeracy (Maths) Time And Work 21/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
7 Basic Numeracy (Maths) train 19/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
8 Basic Numeracy (Maths) Time and Distance 16/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
9 Basic Numeracy (Maths) Probability 14/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
10 Basic Numeracy (Maths) Train 12/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
11 Basic Numeracy (Maths) percentage 07/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
12 Basic Numeracy (Maths) percentage 02/12/2022 | 04:00:PM
13 Basic Numeracy (Maths) Ratio And Proportion 30/11/2022 | 04:00:PM